Tag Archive | stepbet

WO: Weekly Obsessions

I’ve really done a number on myself by packing as much as possible into the first month of 2019. Recap to come later this week, but let me just say: I’ve become a coffee convert and haven’t felt this fulfilled in a very long time. Here are four big reasons why:

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  1. WW: The recently re-branded Weight Watchers is the same classic structure that’s worked for millions of people to be healthier. I’m fortunate to have support at my workplace, making it easier than ever to drop into a meeting (in person or via video chat). I choose not to track zero-point foods, which means I spend maybe five minutes a day — tops — tracking my food but still staying on plan. And new partnerships with Blue Apron, Aaptiv and more mean it’s not the WW you may have poked fun at before. There’s a reason it works!
  2. StepBet: One of the guys in our WW group suggested we do a step challenge, so we joined this app and put up $40 each to compete. It’s not such a big investment that you feel burdened, but it’s motivating enough that my ass was doing laps around the block at 9:30 last night to stay in the running. After eight weeks, those who accomplished their goals (preset by the app, based on each person’s recent step average) splits the pot. Mama needs a new pair of shoes!
  3. Letsfit Tracker: I wanted to reintroduce a fitness tracker to my routine for our StepBet. Sadly, my Jawbone bands are all dead beyond resurrection, and I refuse to support FitBit #PettyPartyOfOne. While I prefer screenless trackers so I can wear a traditional watch, I like how slim and lightweight this is. It charges in any USB port (in 1-2 hours) and the battery has lasted 6-7 days with each charge so far. The app copy could use some love and reviewers complain about sleep tracking, but for me, it was the best $30 investment I could make to ensure step success.
  4. RealSimpleGood: The core components of good health are to eat better and move more. RealSimpleGood’s Whole30 meal plans are a huge part of what helped me to eat better. Each week this month, I’ve received a list of recipes, shopping ingredients, and easy-to-follow instructions. The recipes are meant for two people to make four servings of each meal, so I halve them and still get satisfying leftovers for myself. It sounds so basic, but it’s cut down my excuses and introduced a staple of easy weeknight recipes to enjoy.

Images courtesy of: Wikipedia, Facebook, Letsfit, Twitter