Tag Archive | volunteering

Witty Rewind: February 2019

I thought it’d be fun to capture each month’s activities and milestones in a series called Witty Rewind. It may not be for posterity’s sake, but I hope you’ll enjoy looking back at the previous month with me.

After my Whole30 high, I sadly slipped back into some old habits. It’s to be expected given my “all or nothing” attitude, but I also tried not to beat myself up too much for it. I saw some weight gain after reintroducing bread and cheese, and I scaled back on formal workouts to focus more on a StepBet at work. I feel OK, but I’ll be experimenting with a “clean eating on weekdays” approach for March. [Miles walked: 88.29]

I slowed down on reading considerably, as I’ve had to use my morning commute more for actual work time. That said, I’ve still enjoyed devouring a mix of fiction and nonfiction, from beach reads to heavier topics. Find me on Goodreads to see the latest! [Books read: 5.5]

Some highlights from the shortest (but most social) month:

  • Line dancing at The Saddle Rack for a dear friend’s birthday
  • Waking up the next morning to continental breakfast and a PANCAKE MACHINE
  • Hosting a Super Bowl party for that snoozefest of a game
  • Volunteering with the Junior League of SF and AOII alumnae group
  • Lunching with former colleagues on the rainiest day possible
  • (Not a highlight) Being knocked out with exhaustion and missing two events
  • Attending a JLSF yoga class for Galentine’s Day
  • Finding a new dentist who didn’t lecture or belittle me
  • Brunching with friends… and getting a peep show from an exhibitionist neighbor
  • MONSTER JAMMING for the fourth consecutive year
  • Starting the apartment hunt with one of my current roommates
  • Hosting Book Club as we discussed “The Last Mrs. Parrish”
  • Seeing “FRIENDS LIVE!,” a drag parody of the iconic sitcom
  • Celebrating the Lunar New Year parade from our annual Irish pub spot
  • Toasting to many birthdays, engagements, babies, and work accolades

That about does it for me. Can you believe it’s already March?! Madness, I say 😉🏀

February-Recap☠️ MONSTER JAM with one of my faves ☠️

WO: Weekly Obsessions

I’m slightly less cranky this week, even though I had a near meltdown at lunch today when the only non-salad, milk-free option was gone. I’m counting down until Whole30 is done and can’t wait to share my results with you! I promise, it’s been worth it — even if I do cry over spilled soup.

Image Credits Listed Below

  1. Nels Beauty Salon: Have you ever wanted to step inside Hello Kitty’s house or Barbie’s salon? Nels is about as close as you can get in San Francisco, and I had no idea. My friend had a Groupon for a gel manicure, so I made an appointment for myself. From the decor to the brushes and hot-stone elements, it was easily one of the best manicures I’ve ever had.
  2. Izakaya Kou: Another gem I recently discovered was this Japanese restaurant with a cozy, yet upscale, vibe. I’ve been grateful for any sashimi and nagiri during Whole30, and their hamachi carpaccio did not disappoint either. Although a bit pricey, this is would be a great date spot or girls’ night out option. Cheers to that!
  3. Yoga for CFF: Tonight, I’m proud to support my good friend and her work with Tomorrow’s Leaders in the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. We’ll be attending a yoga class downtown, with all proceeds benefiting the CFF. While I’m not closely connected to anyone fighting this disease, I couldn’t be more touched by what my friend does in honor of her strong sister.
  4. Gasparilla Invades SF: It’s that time of year again! Tampa Bay’s finest tradition comes to this Bay Area via my self-imposed celebration. The Buccaneer staff won’t know what hit ‘em, even with this being the third(? fourth?) year in a row. I’ve got the beads, temporary tattoos, bandanas and beads in tow — ARRRRGH ya ready?

Images courtesy of: Yelp, Trip Advisor, YouTube, Trip Savvy

WO: Weekly Obsessions

I’m sure there are worse ways to start off your week than being unceremoniously dumped, but I’m struggling to think of any right now. Better sooner than later, I know. But woof. What a week it’s been — and it’s only Wednesday.

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  1. “Smoke Gets In Your Eyes”: Caitlin Doughty’s memoir served as the backdrop for this month’s Book Club pick. It’s a dark, oddly humorous and fairly emotional look at the funeral industry and the way society acknowledges death (or doesn’t). I’m intrigued to hear what my fellow clubbers thought, but I gave it an enthusiastic four stars myself.
  2. Support BELWOP: One of the most selfless, giving people I know is planning a mission trip to Kenya with her church. You can read more about it on Lydia’s GoFundMe page, but I hope you’ll consider giving to a spirit so bright and selfless. Any donation counts toward helping her help others.
  3. Bran Flakes Visits: Another of my favorite humans on the planet is coming to visit tomorrow, and her timing couldn’t be more perfect. From working on the same creative team and exploring Panama and Costa Rica, plus volunteering on a leadership board and even designing this very WO template, Brandi and I have shared some of my most treasured experiences — and I’m sure there are more to come this weekend.
  4. “Let’s Generalize about Men” – “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend”: There are some real gems out there when it comes to breakup songs, but this one is absolutely my favorite right now. If you’re not familiar with “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend” songs, they’re often self-aware and a parody of ridiculous proportions. Disclaimer aside, I think anyone would enjoy this totally tubular jam.


Images courtesy of: Amazon, GoFundMe, FB, Reddit

WO: Weekly Obsessions

Raise your hand if your brackets are busted 🙋🏻 Thanks a heap, Wisconsin and South Carolina. Aside from ripping paper to shreds, here’s what else I’ve been into lately:

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  1. NOT These Boots: San Francisco’s wonky weather patterns continue, and yesterday’s monsoon retired these Chooka rain boots faster than you can say “shit.” I purchased them in 2014, but have worn them no more than 10 times, so it was a total disappointment and waste of money. Here’s hoping these highly rated Sam Edelman booties will serve me better.
  2. Rusted Mule: I was thrilled to celebrate a dear friend’s birthday last night with drinks at Rusted Mule and dinner at The Saratoga. While both were phenomenal, I’m prioritizing Rusted Mule for its newness and happy hour specials. It opened less than two months ago and feels tucked away, while still getting a good mix of people. Bonus: Taco Tuesday was truly tasty and the Yelp reviews are crazy entertaining!
  3. Surprise Meetups: After a killer workout this morning, I was sore but super excited to volunteer at the SF-Marin Food Bank with some co-workers. Little did I know, my former team at macys.com was volunteering, too! It was such a pleasure seeing familiar faces — some new ones, too! — and I loved catching up with them all. Giving back + surprise meetups = win-win.
  4. “It Ain’t Me” – Kygo f. Selena Gomez: I had no clue who Kygo was (still don’t) but I DID know this earworm was stuck, stuck, stuck in my head for days on end. I also barely know the difference between Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato, but I do know there’s a ton of talent in this tune and you should certainly listen.

Images courtesy of: Me, Scoopnest, Me, Direct Lyrics

WO: Weekly Obsessions

Happy International Women’s Day! I hope you’re all able to celebrate the women in your lives every day, but especially so today. If you’re anything like me, you dug out your LRD and toasted the fab females you’re lucky to love 😉

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  1. Shannon’s visiting!: Hot off the heels of my former roomie’s visit, my cousin Shannon arrives tomorrow! It’ll be her first trip to California and I hope to make it a memorable one. She always brings out the big kid in me, and I always… well, I always entertain her with my impatience for tourists. Just look at those mischievous smirks — it should be a hoot!
  2. Beach Blanket Babylon: As much as I don’t love tourists or touristy things, I will happily see this campy, historical revue in SF anytime! I took Erica last week and am excited to return tomorrow night with Shannon. The hats and humor are outrageous, the songs are fantastic and it truly is a can’t-miss experience.
  3. JLSF March Madness Kickoff Party: As Provisional (AKA first-year) members of the Junior League of San Francisco, we put on a fundraiser for the League. Our March Madness Kickoff Party is next Thursday, March 16, and is sure to be a success. We’ll have a silent auction, wine pull, photo booth and games — what’s not to love? Get your tickets (or make a donation) here.
  4. “Girls” – Beyoncé: This isn’t my fave of Beyoncé’s body of work, but there is arguably no better female anthem than this. Top five, at least. I heard it blasting in my barre class this morning, on my Chariot ride to work (props to Maria for the lady power!), and am pumping it now for good vibes only. Who run this mother?

Images courtesy of: FB, FunCheapSF, JLSF, Billboard

WO: Weekly Obsessions

I had an influx of ideas for obsessions this week, probably because I’ve been on a spree of volunteer and social events lately. The good news? There’s no stopping in sight. The bad news? I’m running on about five hours of sleep and am not entirely sure this will all make sense 😛

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  1. #Brangelina … Meanwhile, Amal Fights ISIS: I was in an inevitable BuzzFeed rabbit hole last night and, naturally, read George Clooney’s off-guard response to the #Brangelina divorce. I was extremely proud to see the related article BuzzFeed suggested was about Amal Clooney (née Alamuddin) and her fight against ISIS. Talk about girl power.
  2. AOII Alumnae in San Francisco: In case it wasn’t painfully obvious in yesterday’s post, I’ve thrown myself into some social organizations recently. I’m thrilled to join my sorority’s alumnae board in SF as Vice President, and I’ve already enjoyed getting to know more sisters in the area. Check out our FB page to see what we’re up to and learn more 🙂
  3. Junior League of San Francisco: Another fantastic organization I’ve joined as a Provisional (first-year) member is the Junior League of SF. From volunteering to social events and community programs, I couldn’t be more pleased to be connected to such an inspirational group of women.
  4. “Closer” – Chainsmokers f. Halsey: In my humble opinion, any song that inspires a flood of memes is worth a listen. I swear, I’m not into EDM — I’m too old for it anyway. But with a catchy beat and ridiculously fun lyrics, this one’s getting played out like it’s my damn job.

Images courtesy of: BuzzFeed, FB, ArtPoint, Josep Vinaixa

WO: Weekly Obsessions

I’m feeling especially peppy this evening, perhaps because I was up earlier than normal and did some good for my community. Or because I have a phone date with my mom tonight and can’t wait to hear her voice. Whatever the reason, here are four more things to celebrate: 

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  1. SF-Marin Food Bank: I had the pleasure of volunteering at the SF-Marin Food Bank this morning. The hours passed quickly, thanks in large part to lively crew mates and tunes. But even more exciting than that? The 4,200 pounds of rice we packed will feed more than 16,000 Bay Area residents in need.
  2. Ben’s Bitter Award: My fellow blogger and favorite naysayer, Ben, is up for an awesome award — and he only wants 2nd place! So go vote for him and tell all your friends … because 2nd place for WEBLOG OF THE YEAR is hardly impressive.
  3. A Song A Day: Speaking of my talented friends, you should todes sign up for my friend Shannon’s site, A Song A Day. I’m discovering great artists and songs I’d have otherwise never known … plus Shannon is like, the best. You can also sign up to be a curator and help others find solid tunes. So do it!
  4. “Weathervane” – PigPen Theatre Co.: This was the first (of many) gems found by the curators at A Song A Day. It’s moody and brooding and all the things I love to tune into when I need to zone out.

 Images courtesy of: SF-Marin Food Bank, Bloggies, A Song A Day, SoundCloud

WO: Weekly Obsessions

Can we just talk for a minute about how it is MID-AUGUST? How did that happen? Where am I? How did we get here?

I’m clearly having some issues coping, so here are a few things to take the edge off:

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  1. United Way: My company is currently focused on fundraising for the various organizations UW supports. As a team captain, my eyes have really opened to how much even a small donation can do. Check out United Way online to see how you can help.
  2. StePhest Colbchella: This much-hyped story involves MTV networks canceling Daft Punk’s appearance on “The Colbert Report,” and Colbert’s excellent — and now viral — response.
  3. Scoutmob: Ah, technology. This app saves you the trouble of finding new places to try — and saves you money in the meantime! Scour local deals and events in no time at all. Simple.
  4. Get on the Bus: USF football returns soon! We welcome new head coach Willie Taggart with open arms … and he’s brought a whole lot of flavor with this video. An A+ from Sports Illustrated seals the deal.

Images courtesy of: United Way, MirrorYext, The Farm Club

WO: Weekly Obsessions

This week, my obsessions are simple. Consider it my holiday gift to you.

As most of us are spending time with our families this coming weekend, and our homes are filled with wonder and cheer, consider those whose holiday season will not be so merry or bright.

Donate what you’re able — whether it be clothing, food, time or money — to a cause you can support.

From a young family who just lost their home in a fire to those who’ve not had a home at all, there are plenty of people in need of holiday charity.

Helping those in need is something we should be mindful of year-round, but it often gets lost in our own priorities and needs. Take some time this week to consider those causes which you can support, and commit yourself to lending a hand.